Our strategies are designed to minimize the burden to your practice or staff.

EBM Health Care Strategies will fit alongside and improve current practice strategies.

What Physicians are Saying

“Today’s medicine requires more from Primary Care Providers than ever.  Companies like EBM are a response to the pressure and the burdens placed on Primary Care Providers.  Offering training to Respiratory Therapists and Registered Nurses, who in turn assist and support to Primary Care Providers is perfectly timed.  Helping improve patient outcomes in a proactive way is also timely.  The combination of adding meaningful revenue for the practice, while preventing hospitalizations is a perfect combination for the practice….


Rodger T. Wallace, M.D.”

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which

Our APRTs are trained to understand and evaluate the highly technical readings required to assist physicians in many facets of value based medical treatments and most have over ten years of experience.

Our team has spent over 20 years attempting to find solutions for many of the “status quo” way of treating these patients.  After many attempts and major technology breakthroughs, we believe our solution not only solves the age old issue but also will increase the revenue in every facility that participates.

"By 2030, the United States expects a shortfall of 1,300 to 12,000 cardiologists and pulmonologists. This alarming prediction becomes more concerning with the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies three of the top five leading causes of death as diseases of the cardiopulmonary system. The AARC has advocated for cardiopulmonary health for nearly 80 years through its support of the profession and the respiratory therapists that make patient lives better every day. It is this constant growth that leads us to the advanced practice respiratory therapist."